Clearly, this story of two Star Trek actors countering darkish scenes with a joke will want a little bit of context. This all goes again to the episode “The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not For the Lamb’s Cry,” which reveals how the Klingon Voq loses the few supporters he nonetheless had after the demise of T’Kuvma, their cult-like chief. All people on Voq’s ship is ravenous, and a visiting Klingon named Kol lures the ravenous supporters away by providing them meals.
This plot results in a feast scene among the many Klingons, and this scene turns into the origin of our favourite two Klingon actors’ countering the darkish subject material with a frankly insane in-joke. At one level, Mary Chieffo’s character has to chunk into an enormous piece of meat as a way to show (falsely, because it seems) her loyalty to Kol. In-universe, what she was alleged to be consuming was the leg of a fictional creature often known as a krada.
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