The Spider-Man Noir collection takes place in Nineteen Thirties New York and follows the titular character as a down-on-his-luck PI who struggles together with his previous as the town’s solely superhero. Nicolas Cage first portrayed the character within the animated Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, although the Amazon collection shall be live-action. It’s unclear if he’ll be enjoying the identical model seen in Into the Spider-Verse or if the collection shall be creating its personal model of the character.
Based mostly on the outline, it appears that evidently the Spider-Man Noir collection will carve its personal path and probably adapt the comics. Which means that Brendan Gleeson’s character is probably going from the comics, so fan theories are positive to start out forming instantly. Most of Noir’s villains within the comics are Nineteen Thirties twists on conventional Spider-Man villains, so it wouldn’t be exhausting to think about Gleeson enjoying somebody like Doc Ock.
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